Patrick Robin
Founding Partner

Internet pioneer and public figure in the digital eco-system in France, Patrick has also been a serial-entrepreneur for 30 years. He has founded more than 20 startups and backed 30 others as business angel in the digital eco-system. Prior to Avolta, Patrick founded 24h00, a leading agency specialised in digital communication and social marketing, sold to Webedia in 2012.
He was also Vice-President of France Digital during the last 4 years, and was one of the leaders of the “Pigeons” protest. Self-taught man, he had many others lives as publisher of art books (Love Me Tender), press publisher (Photo-Revue, CD-Media, Internet-Reporter) and internet pioneer in France (ImagiNet, ROL Régie-On-line, Le WebMarchand). At Avolta, Patrick’s interests lie heavily with impactful issues in financial services. He brings expertise across HRtech, edutech, medtech, adtech and martech.