Lumi THD


  • Infra

Deal Type

  • M&A

Through proprietary algorithms and data processing, Lumi THD automates and streamlines both the design and management of fiber-optic networks. Thanks to its solution, Lumi THD’s clients can drastically increase their teams’ productivity on FTTH (Fiber To The Home) studies and ensure more reliable and robust networks on the long run. Lumi THD also carries out turnkey studies (engineering plans, preliminary design, tender design, etc.) that rely on its own technology. This transaction will enable Lumi THD to pursue its international growth and tackle FTTH operational challenges with the support of Axione.

For Axione, this strategic acquisition will allow the company to optimize its processes and design tools in order to stay at the forefront of the FTTH market. Axione’s ambition is also to leverage Lumi THD specific software expertise in order to develop new products and services to serve value to the whole fiber-optic value chain and beyond.