MyFeelBack’s mission is to enable companies to internalize their collection of customer experience feedback throughout the purchasing journey, at all points of contact. Among its keys to success, MyFeelBack is integrated into all existing CRM solutions, starting with Salesforce, and is now one of the main players in the “voice of the customer” market.

Skeepers (formerly NetReviews) is a leader in customer experience and engagement that recently joined the Next 40, the label of the most promising French Tech companies. The group is backed by Providence Strategic Growth since 2019 and has since adopted a strong build-up strategy, as highlighted by this new acquisition.

Temelio allows company to implement a people-based marketing strategy by converging on/offline data to build a single, cross-device and enriched view of each customers. Its services allow to personalize marketing campaigns through audience targeting and provides On2Off analytics to measure in-store impact of any digital investments.

This transaction will allow Temelio to strengthen its data pool, the ID graph, on which it relies to “find back” the physical consumers of its clients on the Web. The platform, which already has the capacity to match 30 million emails and 70 million active cookies, wants to increase its reach. To do so, it will enrich its offer with mobile data in a cross-device perspective.

Since its establishment in 2010, Cassiop has developed a unique savoir-faire in France with its solution Kimple, turning the company into a top-tier player in promotional marketing through gaming.
Within only two years, Kimple has managed to seduced 150 key client accounts, has developed 300 games and has experienced a 200% year-over-year growth.

Sogec, a subsidiary of French group La Poste, specialized in relationship and promotional marketing, annouced it acquires a majority stake in Kimple.
With this operation with Cassiop, which also edits about fifty dedicated applications, Sogec strengthens its digitalization and audience engagement strategy through gaming media and will unveil a new offer in the coming weeks.

ECL Direct and Fizen was founded in 2008 by Claude Robin and Xavier de Labarriere, experienced accountants and entrepreneurs. They have been supported by Strego since 2012.

Pioneer of the on-demand accounting for small businesses, ECL Direct became the national leader in just a few years. Fizen is a SaaS application that enables easy and user-friendly accounting and financial management for small businesses.Thanks to its vision of “accounting without accounting knowledge”, and the automatic processing of banking flows, Fizen redefines the way accounting is done by small businesses.

ECL Direct has now nearly 120 employees mainly based in Nantes and has experienced a strong development of its business with an annual growth rate of its turnover exceeding 40%

ECL Direct completed a round with Ouest Ventures III managed by GO Capital completed by IDEE fund. ECL Direct has the support of BPI France.

According to ECL Group management team:
“This new partnership will allow us to accelerate our growth and continue to heavily invest in innovation. It will help us strengthen our leading position, as the accountancy business knows a double mutation: automation of accounting process and the emergence of new value added digital services”

Founded in 2011, Mediabong is an advertising technology company that developed a proprietary online video delivery technology termed Syncroll. With its contextualisation technology, Mediabong provides multiple and continuous opportunities for advertisers with show video ads to online audiences by synchronizing two video players so that the second can start where the first stopped.

Entrepreneur Venture has invested in Mediabong alongside existing shareholders Jaïna Capital, Conegliano Venture and Network Finances.

The agency 24h00 accompanies brands in their Social Media Marketing strategy – strategic planning, fan page creation, F-stores, applications, Facebook-ads campaign management, site socialization, etc. The 24h00 agency also supports the brands in their strategy of recruiting qualified prospects – emails and fans – and clients. Design of lead generation mechanisms (Studio creates, game development, applications, etc.) that we then distribute via our emailing network and our network of partners representing more than 50 million email addresses.

With clients such as Eurosport, Orange and Carrefour, 909c supports brands in their community management strategies. The new solution that it has just announced, wants to meet all the needs of its customers from publishing, to listening to social networks. The Overgraph offers a multi-account and multi-network approach to centralize the data needed by community managers such as Hootsuite or the late Seesmic. The tool is available free of charge in self-service and comes with a premium paid format. 909c currently employs 25 people and has just been certified by Facebook as a Preferred Marketing Developper agency. The first tool of the platform would have already conquered nearly 4000 users.

The 909c agency launched in 2010 by Xavier Blouet has announced a fundraising with Newfund, which comes with the launch of a new solution: the Overgraph.

Commanders Act was founded in 2008 by a trio of Internet marketing experts who experienced firsthand the nightmare that tag management was becoming and set out to develop the necessary tools to increase marketing agility. In addition to its flagship Tag Management solution, Commanders Act offers a suite of complementary products intended to help marketers use the data collected from their third-party tags responsibly and maximize their advertising investments. These products include Privacy Management, Attribution Management, and Data Management.

Commanders Act is profitable and works with hundreds of clients that are located across the globe and from all industries. Its robust library of vendor tags enables marketers to deploy and manage their solutions with point-and-click functionality.

Commanders Act, a start-up company specialising in tag management, has just completed its fundraising campaign with XAnge Private Equity, the venture capital subsidiary of La Poste Group.
The funds raised will be mainly used for R&D investments.

The capital increase should also make it possible to accelerate the development of Tag Commender, already present in Europe and abroad.