The beauty sector now has its Doctolib, as Flexy & LeCiseau merge to become Kiute: the French BeautyTech champion. Kiute is an online booking platform for beauty and hair salons that meets all the needs of professionals and consumers in their daily lives. With 10,000 partner salons (5,500 beauty / 4,500 hairdressing), 250,000 online bookings per month and €120 million market growth a year, Kiute is already the French leader in the beauty sector.

LeCiseau (#1 online booking platform for hair salons) and Flexy (leader in beauty salon management SaaS) were already strongly established players in their respective fields and have developed complementary expertise. The two startups then made the strategic choice to merge to create an all-in-one BeautyTech solution, with a software dedicated to professionals and an online booking platform to connect them with customers.

Avolta Partners has acted as the sole financial advisor to This transaction adds to the team’s recent Tech M&A track record, following this year’s sales of ConerJob to Eurofirms Group, Fundimmo to Foncière Atland, or buy-side advisory for Voodoo.

Kiute’s ambition is to revitalise and digitalise the sector by becoming the leading beauty platform in France within 3 years, with 30,000+ partner salons. This ambition is not bounded to France, as the service aims to be deployed as soon as 2021 on the European market, which represents more than 1.3 million salons in Europe, and 7+ million internationally.